
At home in Helvoirt

Vincent visited his parents, who lived in Helvoirt from 1871 to 1875, on church holidays and birthdays. Vincent drew there some sketches of the church where his father was pastor. The nature in this region is of a similar beauty to the landscape he knew from his youth and afterwards revisited around Etten and Nuenen. He drew and painted these landscapes with love. Some of these Nuenen works are permanently exhibited at Het Noordbrabants Museum in 's-Hertogenbosch.

Van Gogh Monuments

In Helvoirt, the reformed rectory and church have protected status because of Vincent's father's use as a church and residence, but also because Vincent sketched the church. The church also contains a States Bible that Vincent's father used. Uncle John's grave is also given the status of Van Gogh Monument. Not only did Vincent live with him while studying theology in Amsterdam, Uncle Jan also visited the family regularly and brought gifts from the Far East, including a black Makassar dog for the children.

VVV/Van Gogh information center

In the HelvoirThuis in Helvoirt there is a VVV agency as well as a Van Gogh Helvoirt information center. For more information about the Van Gogh monuments, the history of the village, the surrounding communities as well as dining and accommodation options, please visit this information point. In addition, the information point has a wide range of cycling and walking routes, VVV gift vouchers and Van Gogh gifts.

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