Hiking in Etten-Leur

Van Gogh Walking Tour

Vincent van Gogh often walked long distances through the Etten-Leur area. How beautiful it is to now be able to walk in his tracks through Van Gogh National Park. This route (14 km) is a pure nature walk that starts and ends at De Menmoerhoeve. From here you walk into estate De Pannenhoef and walk along the most beautiful fens and over the nicest bridges. The route is (like several other walking and cycling routes) available in our shop at Markt 4.

Walks from The Menmoerhoeve

Walk Venen Verdwenen - Vennen Verschenen / 6.5 - 9.4 and 14 km.
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Hiking Tour Menmoerhoeve / 8.6 km.
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Walking through the Pannenhoef / 12 km.
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Walking tour Menmoerhoeve-Pannehuske / 28 km.
Walking route Ommetje Menmoerhoeve - Moeierboom Centrum) / 19 km.

Walks from The Turfvaart

Hiking trail The Boot Trail / 4 km
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Walking route From Leur into the polder / 10 km
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Walking route Through the center of Leur / 5.5 km
Walking route Kelsdonk / 5 km
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Walking route Kelsdonk and De Berk / 7 km
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Walking route Etten-Leur / 15 km

Walk through the Lies forest

Vincent also took several walks through the Liesbos, the green lung between Breda and Etten-Leur. The Liesbos is the largest summer oak forest in the Netherlands.

Walk Liesbos (3 km; yellow posts)
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