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Vincent's life journey in Brabant

From origin to mastery

Those curious about Vincent van Gogh's life and work cannot ignore North Brabant.

Many places in this province still remind you of him. They tell you about his roots, his childhood, his youth, his dreams, passions, loves and experiences.

How did these stages of life shape him and lead him to some of the crucial choices?

The story of the genesis of painter and man Vincent van Gogh: Becoming Vincent


  • 1883-1885: letter carrier

    Vincent himself sent out a lot of mail and paintings, and also received a lot of mail, through the letter carrier.

  • 1884-1885: The Roosdonck

    Nuenen: This windmill was there in the time of VIncdent, and you can see it in many of Vincent's works, sometimes through the window, outside.

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    1884-1885: The Roosdonck
  • 1885: Spitting peasant woman

    Het Noordbrabants Museum, 's-Hertogenbosch: figure studies of working farmers in the field symbolized for Vincent the unity of man with nature.

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    1885: Spitting peasant woman Van Gogh, Spitting Peasant Woman, 1885
  • 1885: The Vogelenzang in Lieshout

    Lieshout: During his stay in Nuenen, Vincent went out frequently.

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    1885: The Vogelenzang in Lieshout Van Gogh, Wheat field with sheaves and a mill, 1885, VGM Amsterdam
  • 1885: The Potato Eaters

    Nuenen: Next to the mill was the cottage of the De Groot family. He visited them a lot, and painted them, the portraits, hands, and interior of their cottage.

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    1885: The Potato Eaters
  • 1885: Steendrukkerij Gestel

    Eindhoven: Gestel's lithographic printing office was located behind the residence at Lange Dijk 8 (now Vestdijk).

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    1885: Steendrukkerij Gestel Van Gogh, The Potato Eaters, 1885, lithograph, VGM Amsterdam
  • 1819-1907: Anna van Gogh-Carbentus (mother)

    Anna van Gogh-Carbentus, Vincent van Gogh's mother, was instrumental in the development of Vincent's talent. It was from her that Vincent received his first drawing lessons. At home, in Zundert. She taught her children to sing, to do crafts and she encouraged them to read a lot. And to love nature. They often took long walks.

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    1819-1907: Anna van Gogh-Carbentus (mother)