Nune Ville

The adjacent house on the right side of the rectory was occupied by four unmarried sisters during Vincent's stay in Nuenen. Their father Willem Lodewijk Begemann (1804-1876) was pastor of the Protestant church and had the Nune Ville home built by his retirement in 1874; however, he and his wife died two years later.

The Van Gogh and Begemann families were on good terms. After mother Van Gogh broke her leg in January 1884, the youngest resident of Nune Ville, Margot Begemann (1841-1907), took over her sewing class. She also visited the rectory regularly for sick visits. During this period Vincent became interested in his twelve-year-old neighbor. It turns out to be mutual; Vincent writes, "she and I just became attached during Moe's illness. The two take long walks through the nature-rich surroundings of Nuenen and Margot visits Vincent's new studio at Schafrat. They develop a relationship and even have wedding plans, but both families are opposed to this. In desperation, Margot attempts suicide by taking poison; thanks to Vincent, however, it ends well. After a long stay with a friendly doctor in Utrecht, she returns to Nuenen around the end of March-early April 1885.

After the incident, father and mother Van Gogh and the Begemann sisters remained in good contact and visited each other regularly. Their homes were detached, but the gardens bordered each other. The stately Nune Ville had allure with its corner pilasters, molding facade and window surrounds. Upon her death in 1922, sister Wilhelmina Begemann left the house to the Reformed Congregation of Nuenen. Until 1954 it then served as the pastor's residence; its condition and appearance were considered better than the parsonage from 1764. Due to the sale of Nune Ville by the Reformed Congregation to the Van Gogh family in 1956, the necessary contribution to the restoration of the old parsonage could be realized.


Now the restored 19th-century building is regularly on display. Among other things, the owner shows the salon with paintings by Vincent's painter friends from The Hague and Nuenen. You will see and hear the story of Margot and Vincent among the 19th century furniture, objects and paintings throughout the house. In the attic you will find the original servants' quarters from the 19th century. You will also hear the story of the Jewish boy who was hidden here for 2.5 years.