The Moeier Tree The Tree of the Year

The Moeier Tree

The centuries-old characteristic Moeier tree on the Market in Etten-Leur, Brabant, took part in the February 2021 election European Tree of the Year as a Dutch candidate. The tree received no less than 34,244 votes. That was good for sixth place. Fourteen countries participated, and the Millennium Stone Oak of Lecina may carry the title European Tree of the Year for one year. The Spanish tree received a record 104,264 votes. The Italian Curinga Plane Oak came in second and the Russian Old Oriental Plane Oak came in third.

The Moeier tree was voted The 2020 Tree of the Year last October during the national election. This with 3,593 votes. At number 2 ended the two-stemmed wingnut in Middelburg (province of Zeeland) with 2,450 votes. In 3rd place ended the red beech in Domies Toen in Pieterburen (province of Groningen) with 2083 votes. This election is organized annually by SBNL Natuurfonds in Leersum.


Maaike Brasz, steward SBNL Nature Fund: 'The purpose of this election is to make people aware of the importance and beauty of trees. The Moeierboom is iconic in the area where it stands. It forms a beautiful sight with the buildings around it and has an important social significance. It has been a place of connection and meeting for centuries.'

And there's more. 'Ecologically, it is a true multitasker. The tree fulfills a function in the production of oxygen, the storage of CO2 and of water. She is also a bastion of biodiversity, as she can harbor up to 30,000 critters and microorganisms. All this makes the Moeier tree an ideal candidate for the election," Brasz said.


"The Moeierboom is the pride of Etten-Leur, of Brabant and of the Netherlands."

The Lime Tree

In Etten-Leur there are about 1,350 linden trees of different species. Their heart-shaped leaves symbolize love, their blossoms fertility and tranquility.The oldest linden stands on the Market, the Moeierboom. The Moeierboom is a large-leaved linden (Tilia platyphyllos) that was planted more than 345 years ago. It was planted on the spot where justice was administered in the Middle Ages. A place where criminals were convicted and innocents were acquitted. A memorable place.

The Moeier tree has been a symbol of connection all these years. It is deeply rooted in the heart of Etten-Leur. The characteristic tree is a place for meeting, fraternization and entertainment on sunny days. And also because of the more than 8,000 LED lights that make the tree a source of light in the dark winter months.

The striking tree cherishes 1001 events, stories and emotions. Primal loves have blossomed under its long gnarled branches. Everyone remembers that first kiss under the tree. The Moeierboom saw Vincent van Gogh strolling here and Van Gogh saw the tree standing here... The Moeierboom overlooks four of the five Van Gogh monuments in Etten-Leur: the Van Gogh Church, the former "verger's house," the Old Council House and the Lambertus Church. Not surprisingly, the award-winning Van Gogh bicycle route also calls at the Moeierboom. It is the starting and finishing point of two tours from Etten-Leur.

Unique shape

The Moeier tree has a unique shape. A linden tree of this age should have been as tall as 20 meters. Probably due to lightning or a storm, it lost its top a long time ago. Because of her age, the heavy branches are supported by an iron frame. Through good care and expert pruning, the tree has always maintained its distinctive crown shape.