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Anniversary weekend Vincents Tekenlokaal

Fifteen years Vincents Tekenlokaal. Fifteen years an adventure in drawing with Vincent van Gogh as inspiration. In 'our city Tilburg' where Van Gogh as a 13 year old boy took his first drawing lessons. Vincents Tekenlokaal invites all drawing enthusiasts of Tilburg and surroundings to a Jubilee weekend full of drawing fun!

On June 22 and 23, the doors of Tilburg's entire Paleis-Raadhuis will be wide open for a weekend packed with free drawing workshops, lectures, mini-exhibits, interviews, talk and think-along sessions about Tilburg and the film Loving Vincent. You will meet various prominent creators from Tilburg, including Djenné Fila (winner of the Golden Brush 2023), Jeroen de Leijer and Paul van Dongen. But also the young talents of the sign talent program De Nieuwe Vincent and makers of the Illustrada Festival that has settled in the city all week.

In addition, there will be a variety of activities that weekend at St. Anne's Square (where Van Gogh lived in a boarding house). The full Jubilee Weekend program is at

Opening Jubilee Sunday
At noon on Sunday, June 23, Jubilee Sunday will be festively inaugurated by Jochem Otten (director-director Mommerskwartier Foundation) and Petra Robben (head a.i. City Museum/Vincents Tekenlokaal). Location: Willemsplein, steps of Palace-Council House. Here 10x15 cakes will be distributed to visitors, 150 in total.

Gifts in town
Birthdays come with presents. In the month leading up to and the month following the Jubilee weekend, Vincents Tekenlokaal will be handing out these presents itself: presents in town, literally. Clues on Vincents Tekenlokaal 's social media channels will help you find the presents.

More info & program: Tip: on Sunday, Tilburg On Stage also takes place a stone's throw away, nice combination!