Van Gogtuin in Princenhage

At the Zuylen / Haagveld cemetery in the Breda district of Princenhage, a Van Gogh garden has been laid out near the columbarium, the urn wall. Vincent's "Uncle Cent" and his grandparents are also buried in the cemetery.

An extensive energy project created space near the columbarium, the urn wall, in the cemetery in 2019. Because the vacated space is one of the sunniest spots in the park-like cemetery, the idea of a southern, colorful garden was born. And in this region, one quickly thinks of Vincent van Gogh....

Yvette Langbroek (manager of the crematorium) came up with the idea of commissioning a mural referring to Vincent van Gogh. Yvette studied his work and came across a work where Van Gogh painted the psychiatric institution "Saint Paul de Mausole.

Yvette Langbroek: " I saw the painting of the hospital where Vincent stayed in Saint-Remy-de-Provence, and came up with the idea of using the gallery and garden of this southern French location as inspiration for a mural. It was an important period of his painting era and the nature he painted on it also fit with this. I thought it would be a nice idea to be able to walk away along this painted gallery and find yourself in a landscape you could muse away in for a while. With picturesque houses in the distance so that it would become a living entity. But especially lots of flowers to experience the colors of nature. With this painting and garden, I wanted to create a place where you could feel the sun even if it was raining."

Two artists, Renate de Kock and Charlotte Claasen, spent over two weeks working on the large mural. After many views from visitors and the necessary gallons of paint, the contours of this southern scene became increasingly clear.

After the beautiful painting was finished, the in-house garden service created a beautiful garden with hidden paths, a Mediterranean tree and ceramic sunflowers.


Breda Princenhage and Van Gogh

Princenhage have close ties to the family Van Gogh. Three generations Van Gogh have been directly connected to this village through work and living. Vincent's father sometimes preached in the Johannes Kerk, and Vincent's grandfather (1789-1874) was pastor of the Grote Kerk in Breda. His name was also Vincent. He is buried with his wife Elizabeth Vrijdag at the Haagveld. As is Uncle Vincent, who was an art dealer with Goupil in Paris and had his own gallery in Princenhage. This is where Vincent's interest in art began. His uncle also gave him his first painting kit. Vincent - often walking from Etten - regularly visited his Uncle Cent and Aunt Cornelia. The house is still there: Huize Mertersem.

The cemetery park is open every day. Visit the Van Gogt Garden or any of the other special places worth walking by. Interested in a map of the cemetery park? If so, send an e-mail to This is also the place to ask questions about the Van Gogtuin.

Cemetery Zuylen, Haagweg 332, 4813 XE Breda (Princenhage)
Cemetery Haaveld, Haagweg 334, 4813 XE Breda (Princenhage)

Van Gogh Monuments

Next to the entrance to the cemetery is the Princenhaags Museum. Near the museum is an audio column with more information about Vincent van Gogh and Princenhage. A second audio column is nearby, at the former Huize Mertersem (once the home of "Uncle Cent"), Haagweg 389, which is an official Van Gogh Monument. The graves of Vincent's grandparents are also Van Gogh Monuments. The third Van Gogh Monument in Breda is on the Grote Markt in the Center: the Grote Kerk.


Garden of the Hospital in Arles (F519). Oskar Reinhart Collection, Winterthur, Switzerland.
Impressions of the Van Gogh garden in Breda, Princenhage.