Enthusiastic responses!

"The museum was already very beautiful and nice to visit, but this is really wonderful!" was the statement of one of the visitors today. Another "we had a wonderful afternoon and again learned and saw a lot about Vincent Van Gogh. The room of The Potato Eaters is also very nice."

"The (Vincent's) Light Lab is very nice." We heard variations on that: "Oh, I didn't know that's how it worked, did you?".


Nice are also the reviews by, for example, the Gazet van Antwerpen. "It seems as if, after the painter's fame had begun to rise after his death, the municipality deliberately pursued a frugal demolition policy. A lot of houses that remember him are still there. Nuenen is an open-air museum."

We also see many happy faces in the following days, among both volunteers and the public. In the media the reactions are laudatory. It is impossible to show everything, but the attached links paint a good picture.


Broadcasting Brabant

Eindhovens Dagblad

Gazet van Antwerpen

Instagram reaction