Nuenen's New Vincentians have started!

The talent program De Nieuwe Vincent is also making great strides in Nuenen. The group has now completed three workshops and master classes.

Home is the Village Workshop in Nuenen and with sketchbooks under their arms, just like Vincent, they embarked on this journey. This includes a visit to the Van Gogh Village Museum. There they see how Vincent drew many heads and hands. Peasants with rough, gnarled hands. What do your hands actually look like? Draw your own hands was the assignment and that's not easy.

The next drawing lesson focused on still life. How do you actually draw this? This workshop started with an explanation of 17th century still lifes, contemporaries of Vincent and modern still lifes as a historical appetizer. After sketching a few objects, real works of art were created on large paper.

Kunstatelier de Kruisruimte in Eindhoven was the next step! How does Vincent tackle a still life? About 30 artists work in this art studio. Artists Jeroen Vrijsen and Aagje Linssen showed how nature (elements) are the inspiration for their work. Afterwards, artist Danielle Lemaire spoke passionately about her work and life. Artist Berry Sanders explained how his work on the computer starts with AI as a basis. Would Vincent van Gogh have done the same if that technology had been around then?

The course will continue after the summer vacation. We hope the drawing talents return full of inspiration.

The detailed report of the visit to the Cross Room in Eindhoven can be found at