Two new Van Gogh Monuments in Nuenen

Workshop of carpenter De Vries

Vincent uses a perspective frame in his works, which makes it easier to put the composition in the right proportions on the canvas. For a series of head studies, he probably had a new perspective frame made by local carpenter Theo de Vries. In the surviving cash book, the Van Gogh family notes on March 8, 1884, "Frame with window made 1.00" and "2 planks made teeken 1.30" where "Son" is mentioned.
De Vries does various jobs for the family Van Gogh: he repairs chairs and cribs and he makes crutches for mother after her broken leg. Behind the workshop of Theo de Vries was probably an inn. It cannot be ruled out that Vincent borrowed beer mugs or other stoneware for his still lifes.
The workshop can be found on the Berg, diagonally across from our museum.

Here lived the carpenter. In the old cash books we can read back that he made all kinds of household items for the family Van Gogh. Cribs, cupboards, stools for mother. And also perspective frames and chests for 'son'.

In Nuenen in the2nd half of the 19th century there are 5 textile factories, including Louis Begemann's linen factory. Louis is an older brother of Vincent's beloved Margot Begemann.

Louis' father Reverend Willem Lodewijk Begemann establishes a linen factory around 1845 to create employment opportunities for Protestants. Thirty years later, Louis took over the business and had a residence and factory built on the Berg.

The story that after Vincent left Nuenen, his remaining belongings and studies were stored in the attic of this factory would not be based on fact.