We will be open again on April 20!

We open in a month!

Exactly 1 more month and then the Van Gogh Village Museum will open! And today ticket sales started for the new museum.

If you want to learn more about Vincent van Gogh, you can't avoid Nuenen. Fortunately, the Van Gogh Village Museum reopens on April 20. In this much larger and completely renovated museum you will follow Vincent in his quest, for life, light and color.

The renovation is now nearing its end, with the building and permanent exhibition spaces being completed at the end of March. The first two weeks of April are needed to furnish the store, counter, coffee corner, office space, checkroom and the space for the temporary exhibition. Once the contractor has left, the landscaper will take over. During the month of April, a beautiful garden at the back will be created, while the side and front will also receive the necessary greenery.

Also on behalf of the 190 volunteers, director Simone van der Heiden says "We are super proud of the result achieved! Everyone has worked very hard, but also with great pleasure".