Hiking trails and more experiences in Nuenen

Walk in the footsteps of Vincent van Gogh.
See the many monuments and sites and experience what life was like, back in the day.
Walk or bike through the typical landscape.
Walk into an art gallery.
Have some food at the excellent restaurants in Nuenen, Gerwen and Nederwetten.
And don't forget to enjoy!


Nature in and around Nuenen

Vincent van Gogh was inspired by the "old country" and people in it. These beautiful natural areas in and around Nuenen are still there today.

IVN Nuenen - Association for nature and environmental education

IVN Nuenen has published several booklets about nature around Nuenen, which are available in the museum store at Van Gogh Village Museum.

  • The Nuenen Village Lime: the thickest summer lime in the Netherlands and the oldest tree in region of Eindhoven.
  • Trees in Nuenen: a 5 km or 2x2.5 km tree walk along 70 species of trees through the center of Nuenen. Besides backgrounds, construction, growth and care of the trees, the history of Nuenen also becomes clear.
  • Dommelpad: 4 walking routes of 4, 5, 7 and 13 km and provides 6 additional walking distances from 9 to 29 km. The walk tells about the Little Dommel and the Dommel River, outlines the history of the Dommel Valley, describes the changes in the landscape, recounts the ups and downs of the inhabitants and tells about the water mills and the miller.
  • The Nature Areas around Nuenen: 26 short nature walks is good for 100 km of hiking fun.
  • Breugelse Beemden and Heerendonk: nature walk of 6 km through a beautiful natural area, offering geology, archeology, history and nature. This route takes you past a bird hide. The area is known for over 50 species of birds.

Nuenen Broek

A pocket forest such as the Nuenens Broek is located on a very wet soil and is characterized by the strong presence of alders and willows. Today the area is owned by Brabants Landschap. There are hiking trails through the nature.

In the Nuenen Broek there are farm benches. These are inspired by the song 'Hee gaode mee' by Gerard van Maasakkers. On each bench is a large photo of a farming family that is, or was, active in the Nuenen Broek.

You can park at the Lissevoort in Nuenen.

Walk through Nuenen from Van Gogh National Park

The first walk from Van Gogh National Park passes through Nuenen. Through a landscape with winding paths, flowing streams, with beautiful village views and vistas of the typical Brabant scenery. Here Vincent found inspiration from nature and the ordinary Brabander. This is reflected in his paintings. Vincent longed for this throughout his life.

Nuenen Van Gogh National Park hike