Bike route development

Van Gogh Brabant in cooperation with Routebureau Brabant is busy developing the Van Gogh bike route. The main changes are:

  • The Van Gogh bike route goes from 5 rounds to 10 rounds. The routes will be shorter and more attractive. Including important additions:
  • -Extra round from Nuenen, with various Van Gogh monuments in Nuenen and via Helmond to the mill De Vogelenzang in Laarbeek.
  • -Extra round from 's-Hertogenbosch to Helvoirt, where three Van Gogh monuments are also located.
  • -New round from Breda, via Ginneken, Mastbos and Princenhage

Experience is added to the routes by means of an app, which includes all 10 laps. While cycling, you can get off at various points to view more information in the app. The app includes a photo gallery, among other things.

Printed maps
The 10 routes will no longer come together 1 booklet, but will be available on four separate route maps. However, there will be luxury gift packaging for the entire set of route maps.

Launch of the new routes is scheduled for spring 2019.