First edition Meet the Master | Vincent's Drawing Room

New master program 'Meet the Master' launched by. Vincents Tekenlokaal

Vincents Tekenlokaal recently launched the brand new master program "Meet the Master. This program consists of 5 different master classes aimed at meeting, creating and developing talent and craftsmanship, with a focus on meaningful Tilburg creators. The first edition of this program will take place on March 10, 17 and 24. During this edition, Tilburg artist Saskia Meijer will take participants through the painting style of Vincent van Gogh, the world-famous artist who took his first drawing lessons in Tilburg.

Explore the Art of the South: An Invitation to Creative Discovery with Saskia Meijer

During 3 afternoons at Allemans, located in the inspiring surroundings of Moerenburg, participants will work with the techniques and color palette of the South, as applied by Van Gogh. Saskia Meijer, who masters these techniques like no other, will use the natural environment as a source of inspiration and serve as a starting point for the participants' work. In this master class, Saskia invites you to let go of all need for recognizability and thus explore the space of the image.