Exhibition The New Vincent

On Sunday, December 18, at 2 p.m., the opening of the exhibition De Nieuwe Vincent 2022 will take place at Vincent van GoghHuis in Zundert. In this exhibition, 15 young people will show what they have learned and created over the past year in the talent program De Nieuwe Vincent 2022. During the opening, De Nieuwe Vincent Zundert will also be announced.

The New Vincent Zundert is a talent development program for young people between the ages of 10 and 14 who love nothing more than drawing. In March and April 2022, 22 entries were received. From these, 15 drawing talents were selected who from May followed an intensive program of drawing lessons, master classes and excursions. The program concluded with an exhibition and the announcement of The New Vincent Zundert 2022. The talent program is made possible with funding from the province of North Brabant and the municipality of Zundert and is a collaboration between AiR van Gogh, the Vincent van GoghHuis and Vincent tekenlokaal. The program also takes place in Tilburg and will also start in the Van Gogh locations of Nuenen and Etten-Leur in the coming years.

Varied program
Major inspiration for this talent program is Vincent van Gogh, who was born in Zundert. Today's young artists followed a varied program with lessons at Vincent van GoghHuis and from guest teachers/artists from the AiR van Gogh program, in which they learned to think creatively and were introduced to new techniques. There were also excursions combined with drawing lessons at the Stedelijk Museum Breda and De Pont Tilburg, among others.

During the opening of the exhibition on December 18, the jury will announce who can call himself The New Vincent 2022 of Zundert. This is the artist who stands out the most in terms of originality, quality and growth. The jury consists of alderman of culture Judith Kuijpers and the director of the van GoghHuis Ron Dirven.
All the New Vincentians can be super proud of their efforts and progress. The drawing talents have drawn very large and very small, sketched quickly and worked in detail, working with pencil, chalk, charcoal and paint.

We cordially invite everyone to come and see the surprising results. The opening on December 18 is for invited guests only.

For the public
The exhibition can then be visited from December 21 to 31, 2022. Come and see it!
Wednesday to Friday 10:00 - 17:00 hours
Saturday and Sunday 12:00 - 17:00 hours

Admission is free.
Vincent van GoghHuisMarket 26-27, 4881 CN Zundert