Great Van Gogh Garden in Yangzhou

Municipality of Breda promotes Van Gogh National Park in Yangzhou, China

In Yangzhou, Breda's Chinese sister city, an international floriade has opened, the 'AIPH Horticultural Expo 2021'. Besides Chinese participants and some 30 international participants (including St. Petersburg, Orleans, Rome, Stuttgart, Philadelphia and Barcelona), Breda is the only Dutch participant with the Breda Van Gogh Garden. Vincent van Gogh has been chosen as the international theme for this 2,000 m2 garden. Breda is a partner in Van Gogh National Park and Breda, together with Zundert (birthplace) and Etten-Leur (start of Van Gogh's artistic career) is being promoted as the region where Vincent spent his childhood years.

The major garden expo, open for six months (until Oct. 8, 2021), is expected to welcome many visitors. Since there is a lot of interest in China for Van Gogh, the Breda Van Gogh Garden can also expect a lot of interest. A great promotional opportunity therefore. That is why the Municipality of Breda has created a website especially for the expo, which can also be scanned on site via a QR code:

In the Breda Van Gogh Garden, several paintings from Van Gogh come to life. Attention is also paid to the drawing 'Wheat sheaves and a mill' made in Nuenen. A prominent place in the garden has been given an interpretation of Breda's Great Church. This is one of 39 Van Gogh monuments in Brabant.

Breda expects Van Gogh to inspire many Chinese tourists in Yangzhou who will visit Vincent's homeland - as soon as they can again - and come to do business.

Dutch consulate is promoting with you!

The nice thing about is that it not only provides information about Breda and Brabant, but also about Van Gogh, the region where he grew up and Van Gogh National Park. The opening of the expo was attended by Onny Jalink of the Dutch consulate in Shanghai. The project received additional publicity through Weibo, the Chinese Twitter channel, and videos were posted on Youku, the Chinese YouTube.

Breda-Yangzhou website

Van Gogh National Park

The Van Gogh National Park is in full development. This is the landscape through which Vincent van Gogh was inspired in his works, where his heritage can still be found in forty places and where the landscape he painted can still be experienced in reality today.
