Another Van Gogh for the North Brabant Museum

Het Noordbrabants Museum has once again managed to expand its steadily growing collection of works by Vincent van Gogh. The museum recently laid hands on a portrait of a woman from the vicinity of Nuenen, made in 1885. The painting was purchased through Christie's London. Funds for this purchase were provided by the BankGiro Lottery, individuals and companies.


Painting Head of a Woman from 1885

Vincent van Gogh occupies an important place at Het Noordbrabants Museum. After three smaller exhibitions in 2015 and 2017, 2019 saw the unpacking of the extensive exhibition Van Gogh's intimates. Friends, family, models, with loans from all over the world. At the end of 2016 the museum bought the watercolor 'The garden of the presbytery at Nuenen' (1885), in 2017 the painting 'Collse watermolen' (1884) and in 2018 the painting 'Still life with bottles and shell' (1884). 'Head of a Woman' (1885) is the fourth acquisition of a Van Gogh in a four-year period. With the 1984 acquisition of 'Spitting Peasant Woman' (1885), the museum now owns five works by Vincent van Gogh, in addition to eight loans. This brings the number of Van Goghs on display to thirteen.

Practicing as a figure painter

The painting 'Head of a Woman' is part of an important series of works produced in Nuenen, created between November 1884 and May 1885. Van Gogh wanted to become a good figure painter and produced several dozen 'head studies' to that end. His progress in this field manifested itself shortly thereafter in his masterpiece "The Potato Eaters. Within the Brabant oeuvre, 'Head of a Woman' is a relatively colorful work. It is one of the few head studies with a light, colored background.

Van Gogh, Spitting Peasant Woman, 1885

Models of the countryside

Van Gogh painted various farmers and farm workers from Nuenen and the surrounding area. With their lived-in faces, they represented the hard farm life, close to nature. Van Gogh was particularly interested in models with characteristic facial features. This unknown woman with her striking appearance must have pleased Van Gogh; he captured her several times. He made the contours of her profile stand out powerfully against the light background. Playfully, his model's hair stands out behind the hat. The powerful canvas enhances the collection considerably; the museum did not yet own a portrait.

Generous support

Such a costly acquisition is anything but natural for Het Noordbrabants Museum, especially in the current times. Director Charles de Mooij is therefore impressed by the support the museum receives time and again from its subsidizers and sponsors: 'As with many acquisitions, this painting was acquired entirely with external funds: a large part was raised by participants of the BankGiro Lottery. The remaining amount was pledged by sponsors and individuals who have supported the museum for many years. 'Heartwarming!' Before proceeding with the purchase, the museum asked the experts at the Van Gogh Museum to examine the work. After a thorough investigation they came to positive findings and negotiations with the sellers were started.

The garden of the rectory at Nuenen, 1885

When to see?

The new acquisition, the portrait of a woman from the vicinity of Nuenen (1885) painted by Van Gogh, can be viewed at Het Noordbrabants Museum from Thursday, Sept. 3 through Sunday, Sept. 6. After conservation treatment, the painting will be included in the completely renewed permanent presentation 'Van Gogh in Brabant', which will open at the end of March 2021.