Issue certificates

Brabant - Van Gogh Brabant recently started issuing real estate certificates for Van Gogh heritage. Companies and individuals can thus acquire a piece of property of the most important locations from the life of Vincent van Gogh. Van Gogh Brabant aims to use the proceeds to exploit the heritage in a sustainable way in order to pass it on to future generations. This is the first time that businesses, municipalities and the Province of North Brabant have worked together so intensively to acquire, protect and expand Van Gogh heritage.
With Van Gogh, Brabant has a world-class icon. His legacy attracts a growing number of visitors from all over the world to Brabant. Just as Vincent van Gogh needed financial support from his brother Theo to flourish as a painter, Van Gogh Brabant now needs partners to protect Vincent's heritage and expand its sites. In order to raise sufficient capital to do so, Van Gogh Brabant is issuing certificates. These will initially be used to acquire the heritage sites in Zundert, Etten-Leur and Nuenen and develop them into Van Gogh Heritage Centres. At the start of the issue, several companies have already enthusiastically joined, such as Eindhoven Airport, DELA, Simac and Trifaire.

Investment province

The Province of North Brabant is generously contributing to the preservation of the Van Gogh heritage through a grant. The Province is also providing a loan so that Van Gogh Brabant can start implementing the plans under Van Gogh Vastgoed NV. Bert Pauli, deputy for the economy, on the investment plans: "Vincent van Gogh was born and raised in Brabant. The provincial government considers preserving his heritage and passing it on to future generations very important. We can also make Brabant even more attractive for foreign tourists, companies and employees with the plans."

Van Gogh Brabant expects visitor numbers to grow with this plan from about 108,000 visitors in 2018, to 500,000 starting in 2025. This could increase tourism spending in the region to 40 million euros per year.

Van Gogh Heritage Foundation

Bert van der Els (chairman Van Gogh Brabant ) sees a joint task in strengthening the Van Gogh heritage. "It is not just about increasing visitation numbers and putting the Netherlands and Brabant better on the international map as a destination and settlement region. We have an even greater duty to tell our youth about the importance of Van Gogh for European cultural history and its significance for our identity. To this end, a strong Van Gogh Heritage Foundation has been established that supports Van Gogh Brabant and the Van Gogh Vastgoed NV in realizing this responsible task." Moreover, the Brabant approach fits perfectly into the national strategy to spread visitors more over the country.

For more information
Fact sheet: issuing certificates
Example: certificate