Van Gogh bicycle tours/cycle tours/Rad tours

Cycle through Vincent's homeland

Brabant life and landscape form the basis of the work of Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890). Vincent was born in Brabant, where he grew up, found inspiration, put his first sketches on paper, developed into a painter and created his first masterpiece, The Potato Eaters. The route invites cycling enthusiasts to be inspired by the landscape that Vincent took to his heart.

Van Gogh cycling maps

Five cycling maps and a gift box have been released to accompany the Van Gogh cycling route. The maps contain practical information for the cyclist and backgrounds to Van Gogh in Dutch, English and German. Extra experience is provided by the app 'Routes in Brabant'. This shows letter fragments and paintings by Van Gogh and historical photographs of the locations you cycle past.

Cycle through Vincent's homeland

Vincent was born and raised in North Brabant. Here he found his inspiration. Here he made his first sketches and created his first masterpiece: The Potato Eaters.The Van Gogh cycle route invites you to be inspired by the heritage locations, Van Gogh Monuments and the countryside that was inscribed on Vincent's heart.

Van Gogh Cycle Route Maps

Five maps have been published for the Van Gogh cycling routes. Each map contains two loops with information in Dutch, English and German. The maps are also available as a set in a luxury gift box, including a map of the entire cycling route.



Radeln durch die Welt von Vincent van Gogh

Vincent van Gogh (1835-1890) wurde nicht nur in Brabant geboren, er verbrachte hier auch den größten Teil seines Lebens und Wirkens. Besuchen Sie den Ort, an dem Vincent geboren wurde, seine erste Zeichenstunde besuchte, seine Künstlerkarriere begann, sein erstes Meisterwerk schuf oder an dem seine Originalmalereien zu sehen sind. Fahrradbegeisterte können sich auf diesem Radweg durch die von Van Gogh so geliebten Landstriche gleichermaßen inspirieren lassen.

Van Gogh Radtourenkarten

Es gibt fünf Tourenkarten. Auf jeder Tourenkarte findet man zwei Radrundwege sowie Informationen auf Niederländisch, Englisch und Deutsch. Die Karten gibt es auch als Set in einer edlen Geschenkbox, einschließlich einer Übersichtskarte, auf der der gesamte Van-Gogh-Radweg abgebildet ist.

Things are going quite well for me here in Brabant, anyway I find the countryside here very stimulating

Lettre from Vincent, January 1884