Van Gogh in 130 magisterial portraits

On July 29, the 130th anniversary of Vincent van Gogh's death, French graffiti artist Arnaud Rabier (NOWART) opens an impressive tribute to the painter. With 130 portraits, Rabier is creating a contemporary urban monument. Each portrait expresses a different state of mind of Vincent, with which NOWART identifies. From July 30 the exhibition can be visited in gallery Art Dumay in Nuenen with some works in museum Vincentre.

Urban ode to Vincent

Last year, in collaboration with Van Gogh Brabant , various urban artists paid tribute to the painter with enormous murals in the railroad zones of Helmond, Eindhoven, Breda, Tilburg and 's-Hertogenbosch. With the arrival of NOWART in Nuenen, the rebellious Vincent van Gogh as a source of inspiration for urban artists takes on a new contemporary form.

Van Gogh Murals

On the trail of Vincent

NOWART has long been inspired by the life and work of Vincent van Gogh. For example, he made work in dilapidated industrial buildings from the time of Van Gogh in France. In 2013 he was artist in residence at the Berg in Nuenen and exhibited his life-size graffiti canvases there. Now he returns with a personal ode to the painter in the form of 130 expressive portraits.

Art Dumay


The exhibition VincenTrente can be viewed at Art Dumay from July 30 through October 30, 2020, Monday through Saturday (noon - 5 p.m.). Museum Vincentre is within walking distance of the gallery and is open every day (10 a.m. to 5 p.m.). Van Gogh enthusiasts can combine a visit to the exhibition with a walk along Van Gogh locations in Nuenen or the Van Gogh bicycle route along Van Gogh Monuments, murals and the Brabant landscape.


This initiative was created in collaboration between Art Dumay, Van Gogh Brabant , Vincentre and Artist in Residence, Berg 34 Nuenen.