Vincents Tekenlokaal at a new location

Vincents Tekenlokaal, Kazernehof 75, 5017 EV Tilburg

As of March 1, 2022, Vincents Tekenlokaal has left the Spoorzone in Tilburg. For the next few months, she will be giving drawing classes and workshops on location with the ultimate goal of returning "home" to the Palace.

The Palace, the site of Van Gogh
Four years ago, the drawing room moved from the Palace of Tilburg to the Spoorzone. This was supposed to be temporary, as the Palace was being renovated. Unfortunately, this is all taking longer than expected: the Palace is not ready for now. The goal of Vincents Tekenlokaal is to return to this spot, the place where Vincent van Gogh took drawing lessons as a 13-year-old boy and where Vincents Tekenlokaal also started in 2009. But since that is not possible at this time, another solution has been sought.

On a journey
Vincents Tekenlokaal has decided to "go on a journey. Just as Vincent van Gogh left Brabant at the time to find new inspiration in France. This greatly influenced his work: the new encounters, surroundings and insights created colorful paintings. The drawing room team looks forward to discovering new possibilities on their journey as well.

Base of operations
From March 1, 2022, the base of operations will be the Stadsmuseum Tilburg, the organization of which Vincents Tekenlokaal is a part. From this location they will continue to give drawing lessons and workshops at schools and other locations. Once a location is found for the digital tablets, they will also be able to host groups again to resume these particularly popular digital drawing classes. Both the Municipality of Tilburg and the Mommerskwartier Foundation are looking hard for this place.

More information
Call or email: 06-535 336 79 or
New address: Vincents Tekenlokaal, Kazernehof 75, 5017 EV Tilburg