Summer movie in theaters

Currently, the film 'Van Gogh. Of wheat fields and clouded skies' is showing in cinemas. The film provides a new perspective on Vincent van Gogh, through the eyes of the world's largest private collector of his work: Helene Kröller-Müller (1869-1939). She bought some 300 paintings and drawings by Van Gogh between 1908 and 1929.

The story is told of a woman who recognizes her own struggles in Van Gogh's spiritual torments and also shows us the artistic treasures and the rare naturalistic and architectural beauty of the museum itself, in the magnificent park on the Veluwe. We also see visual gems from the Milanese, Florentine and Italian Renaissance.

The film follows the painter's existential struggle, seen through various passages from the letters to his brother Theo that set the tone of the exhibition, with the backdrop of the various locations where Van Gogh lived and worked, from Paris to Provence.

The opportunity to tell the story around Van Gogh and the collection from this vantage point is extraordinary. 'Between Wheat Fields and Cloud Skies' at the Basillica Palladiana in Vicenza, shows us 40 paintings and 85 drawings from the Kröller-Müller Museum in Otterlo, the permanent site of Helene's legacy.

This exhibition not only tells the story of Van Gogh's art and genius, but also teaches us the importance of drawings as part of his artistic technique. In fact, his seemingly impulsive canvases were the result of long preliminary studies, not so much sketches but already works of art in themselves. In these drawings you can already see the flowing, sometimes interrupted lines so characteristic of his paintings.

In Brabant, the film can be seen at Natlab Eindhoven and Chassé Breda.

Watch the trailer here