The Van Gogh Village Museum in Nuenen gets the space! - Here you can follow how far along we are with our construction


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After completion, landscaper Fons Linders continued with the paving. They also started laying out the garden. The first trees have already been planted and the spring-fresh greenery contrasts very nicely with wall tiles.

And when the last dots of paint are on, the banners on the building fixed and the bike racks installed: then the doors of the museum will reopen!

On April 20, that is!

April 2023

The first trees of the Van Gogh Village Museum have been planted!

On to the completion of the property!

You can clearly see that the end of the "construction" is nearing: the paving at the entrances is almost finished and Banbouw's construction huts have been removed.

On to the completion of the building on March 31!

March 2023

What is this?

What is this? Is it a water mill? A wheel? This is a detail of one of the parts of the exhibition, as soon to be seen our museum. In Bruns' workshop in Bergeijk, all kinds of materials are built, which will soon be exhibited in the museum.

March 2023

And indoors?

In the new section, the walls are finished in a special way, as if Vincent himself helped. The rails for the spotlights are hung. The walls in the store and reception area will be finished with Brabant poplar wood. Lath by lath.

And behind the scenes, all the teams of volunteers are now full steam ahead of the opening. This also included a visit to ASML, with whom we are working on Vincents Lichtlab in our museum, because light, Brabant and perseverance are typical of Vincent van Gogh. And that is also typical of ASML. Hence this collaboration!

Visiting ASML


Now that most of the scaffolding has been removed, you can clearly see what the architect intended with the large window. It will soon be the real eye-catcher!

It's getting exciting! It looks like we'll be piloting in mid-April!

February 2023

The roof is finished, with solar panels!

The roof of the new Van Gogh Village Museum saw the last of 42,000 roof tiles laid last week. That was also the signal to remove the scaffolding around the building. It was a beautiful moment!

Indoors, several teams are busy installing, finalizing and furnishing.


February 2023


Under the covers!

Things are moving fast with the expansion of our museum and they should: Just a few more months and we will be open again.

Inside, tile setters, painters and electrical specialists are hard at work!

January 2023

On to spring!

The renovation at our museum resumed after the holidays, is progressing smoothly and on schedule. The contractor, installers, including solar panels, are busy at work. The design of exhibitions is being finalized and the first temporary exhibition is taking shape.

In short: we are looking forward to spring, to the opening of the doors of our completely renovated museum!

January 2023


As an exception, we were allowed to go inside for a moment with a camera. And then you see this!

To the right is the entrance door. Then you are in the reception hall with store, cash register and coffee corner. To the right you will soon walk into the old museum: this will be the walking route of the new exhibition. Above left by the stairs will soon be Vincents Lichtlab, and next to it is the space for changing exhibitions.

December 19, 2022

Take a look at this snapshot!

In our expansion, less and less can be seen. Occasionally you can look inside. We do know that very hard work is going on inside right now. The passages between the old and new building have been made. And that e.g. floors are sometimes finished. Just like the stairs and balustrade, which are all wrapped up!

November 23, 2002

A peek through the construction fence, and then we see the new building, inside!

The entrance!

The glass has been put in the frames. And because of that, it suddenly looks and feels very different. Very real. What you see is the entrance.
Glad it's closed, now the craftsmen can work inside, now that the weather is really going to be different!

Nov. 11, 2022

The entrance to the renovated museum


42,000 roof tiles will pass through the hands of construction workers in the coming weeks. They started last week. These ceramic tiles continue from the roof through the facades to the ground, and the side facade is already finished.
What craftsmanship all those corners, all custom made!

November 2, 2022

The door is closed!

The entrance door of our museum is now closed. On the last day we still received 129 visitors museum. Museum Vincentre in Nuenen is now temporarily closed.
One of the last visitors wrote in our notebook on the counter, "Curious about the extension under construction, I must come back after all."
And another: "We will be back in Spring!"

Beautiful! Are we happy about it.

Oct. 17, 2022

Highest point achieved

On Friday, September 30, the flag went up! The highest point of construction has been reached, which is a real milestone. As an exception, the construction team, wearing helmets, was allowed to enter the building. We are pleased that the shell construction went so well, thanks in part to the good anticipation of conditions in the current construction market by the contractor, BanBouw.

Pictured, in the door, the director and the structural engineer.

Oct. 7, 2022

We are temporarily closing

This door will close Sunday, October 16, late afternoon. In the following week, the new part will be connected to the existing building, and then we will redecorate the whole place, using sustainable materials, and matching today's wishes and requirements.

We will reopen in the spring of 2023. When that will be is not yet exactly clear. Certainly from May 1: group visits will certainly be possible from that date.

Sept. 22, 2022

The hood becomes visible

The masonry is now at height and the final steel trusses are in place. Then comes the highest point, and the roof.

Nuenen sympathizes and watches the building emerge, and passersby point out the similarities with the old farmhouse and the sketch of the new building. And wonder why that part to the left on the street side has no windows. That's right: that's where Vincents Lichtlab comes in!

Sept. 12, 2022

The stairs!

The last few weeks have seen great strides in the expansion of our museum. The roof construction is slowly becoming visible and look: the stairs have been delivered (and packed up again).

Nothing is happening for the next few weeks. In the Southern Netherlands, the construction vacation has started and the people of BanBouw are going to take a break. They will return to work at full strength on August 29.

Aug. 5, 2022

Flooring. Roof tiles?

Things are moving fast! The people of BanBouw are working hard. You can clearly see the walls and layout now, although it's all getting harder to see from the ground! Today the first floor was laid and downstairs now has a ceiling!

The wooden planks on the left in the photo: that's where battens come in. Then the outer layer: cladding with roof tiles made especially for us, in earth tones. Those tiles are ready (thank goodness!).

July 29, 2022

Construction takes off

In the meantime, the ground floor has been poured and the framework is rising on top of it, so you can already clearly see where the doors are. In July the walls will shoot up because the bricklaying is in full swing: construction is really going up now. The first steel trusses have been placed, giving you an idea of the height of the new building.

July 2022

The floor is coming!

Layer by layer, the foundation of the building was completed. The pipes were incorporated into the floor, walls were bricked on the foundation, and then the compartments were filled with sand. Next step is the floor insulation, which is already in place. And then the first floor will be poured!

June 2022


Slowly, the contours of the new section are becoming visible, and the first pipes have been incorporated into the earthwork. The blocks of concrete: the steel structure will be placed on them. Meanwhile, they are also busy measuring where walls will come.

Just a few more weeks and the first floor will be ready!

June 2022

Foundation, part 2

The past few weeks have been hard at work on the three layers of foundation. The necessary structural steel has been incorporated. The formwork came off in early June. The concrete must now dry properly.

You can now clearly see what it will look like!

Next step: the floor. And in it will be incorporated a lot of pipes.

June 2022


Now that all 56 concrete piles are firmly anchored, it is time for the elevator pit and foundation. The foundation under the exterior walls will be sturdier than that under the interior walls. The steel for the foundation is ready.

Even in hot weather, the people of BanBouw continue to work hard! Invisible in this photo, by the way, because they wisely walked out of the picture when it was taken.

May 2022

We are bursting at the seams!

Vincentre opened in 2010 and now receives 20,000 visitors annually from home and abroad. In recent years, the capacity of the current museum proved too small to keep up with the growth in visitors.

Next to the museum, the expansion will come in the form of a contemporary version of a long-roofed farmhouse, inspired by the old farmhouse that used to stand next to our museum.

April/May 2022

Brabant-wide cooperation

Together with contributions from the Province of North Brabant, the Municipality of Nuenen, the Brainport Regiodeal, ASML, Mondriaanfonds, BPD Cultuurfonds, Brabant C and many local and regional companies, we are building a museum of international stature here in a Brabant-wide collaboration and with the daily energy of 160 volunteers.

The museum is also the starting point for the Van Gogh bicycle route and many walks, including the Van Gogh walk from Van Gogh National Park. Right through the Brabant countryside to which Vincent van Gogh felt so connected.

More information expansion museum Vincentre